Below: A recent picture sent to us in 2012 of our first female blue IRN named Froda who went
all the way to Saskatchewan in 2010 and I am pleased to say she is still with her family. Always the best news to hear!
Below:Bellah our beautiful baby girl. She was such a suck and I was very sad to see her go.
She is from the same clutch as Teeno and Quintin (2010)
Below: This is one of Banana and Rama's babies a male Lutino Indian Ringneck. This picture
was sent to us from his new mommy who named him Teeno. Teeno lives right here in Ottawa. (2010)
Below: Jack a cockatiel baby that we raised from our friends pet birds who were determined
to have little ones. Jack had a rough start in life as his parents were first timers but he has grown to be a beautiful big
boy and has gone to his wonderful new home here in Ottawa, ON. (2008)
Below: Our one and only baby fisher lovebird Freeway who went to his new loving home in Montreal
QC. This picture was provided to us by Freeway's new family. We were very happy to receive these pictures and see his great
big cage with lots of toys. (2008)
Below: These two babies are part of the clutch shown in the picture on the right. (2007)
Below: This is a picture of Teeno's brother from the same clutch and his new parents sent
us this picture. They named him Quintin (Quincey). Quintin lives right here in Ottawa (2010)
Below: BooBoo a male Lutino Peachface Lovebird Baby who now lives in a very loving home where
he is one of the family and eats at the table. He is living in Gatineau, QC. We were so happy to hear from Booboo's family
almost exactly a year after he left us. He has grown into a handsome young man and has become very nicely darkened in the
red on his face. We are very proud of the way he turned out. (2007)
Below: Polly who is now at his loving home right here in Ottawa, ON (2007)
Below: BooBoo and Polly and other siblings. Some of the siblings can be seen on the left at
around 7 weeks old when they are fully feathered however the end result of what they will look like when they mature and their
red darkens can be seen at the top of the page where Booboo's picture is. We hope to be able to produce more clutches like
this one they were such perfect babies. (2007)